We just did this last weekend with our great friends Ender and Josh LaMore. Please check out both of them via myspace. They are awesome musicians:
This weekend was a blast. We played 4 shows in 3 days and plenty of good times were had.
We played Friday night in Manteno, IL. It was a shaky start for us but nonetheless good times were had. The sweater club was created during this show and lasted the whole weekend and hopefully beyond. After the show we all (10 of us) went to Josh's house to crash for the night. My friend from the area, Andy, came over and I was mega psyched to see him. Andy plays in this band called Pilgrims and they are absolutely amazing. Check them out: www.myspace.com/pilgrimsusa
The next day all 12 of us that were on the tour went to a small diner for breakfast. It was insane with all of us cramped in there. The food was absolutely delicious and it was a nice start to what was going to turn into a crazy day. After breakfast us and Ender headed out to South Bend, IN to hit up some music store they knew.
We walk into the store and all you could hear was some dude just funking it up on the bass. This was a big store and you could hear this guy no matter where you went. It wasn't just for a short while either. He was playing THE WHOLE TIME WE WERE THERE (at least an hour). Haha. It wasn't thattttttt bad. It was more funny than anything else. Dave from Ender took me back to these rooms were you could make it sound like you were in a stadium and various other halls. It was crazy whack.
We then headed up to Ugly Mugs Coffee House for our show. It was a really cool place right in downtown South Bend. The show started and people weren't there so we were all staring to get worried. A decent crowd ended up showing up so it wasn't too bad. We played much better than the night before so that "got our buzz up". Ender had another show right down the road directly after so we had to hurry and load out because they were trying to get us on it.
We get to the second show and they say we can't play. We were pretty bummed because this show was way more packed. Then a miracle happened (I think someone called for an Angel like in Angels in the Outfield) and we were told that we could play. We then loaded in as fast as we could and ended up playing a five song set. It was by far the most energetic set that we have ever played as a band. Byran was going nuts, I was going nuts, TERRI BROKE THROUGH THE STRAPLOCKS ON HIS BASS! haha.
Ender played right after us and it was the most fun set of the weekend for me. I was just being goofy and singing along and dancing. I love those dudes.
Anyways, we drove back to Ender's house in Kalamazoo and crashed for the night.
The next morning we left early to meet up with Ron to get the PA we were gonna be using for the show in Brighton while Josh and Ender stayed back since it was out of the way for them to come with us. Fast forward through all the boringness and we get to Frankenmuth. For those that don't know, Frankenmuth is pretty much the Christmas capitol of the world. It was cool to be there around this time of year.
The show was a blast and a great way to end the weekend. It was sad saying bye, but we'll probably be seeing Ender soon and Josh at sometime in the future as well.
If you'd like to see some pics, please go here: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=72257709&albumId=2346356
Happy Holidays,
Scott and Tiger! Tiger!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Last Friday we opened up for my very old friends, The Hard Lessons. It was an all around excellent show. Here's some pictures from the show taken by Erin McConnell.

The next day we began our trip in the snow to visit our long lost lovers, Ender. We decided to go out early to hang out with them and to take our time seeing as how driving a van and trailer in the snow isn't the safest way of travel. Anywho, we get about a half hour away and I get a call from the venue saying the show was cancelled. Awesome! We never seem to have luck with that place. It's ridiculous.
Well since we were already practically in Kalamazoo, we decided to just go to Ender's and figure out something from there. Some of us started making phone calls and we found a house to play. That wasn't until 10pm and it was around 5. We spent a good chunk of the day watching Taylor play Assassins Creed. It is one fucking epic video game.
When it got time to leave we looked out the window and realized that it had been blizzarding all day. Even better! It took us about a half hour to go what would normally take about 10 minutes. Luckily the show was a blast. It was super packed in tight and we even played two songs with our shirts off. Here's some pics that do a better job explaining the night!

Also, here are some videos!!!

The next day we began our trip in the snow to visit our long lost lovers, Ender. We decided to go out early to hang out with them and to take our time seeing as how driving a van and trailer in the snow isn't the safest way of travel. Anywho, we get about a half hour away and I get a call from the venue saying the show was cancelled. Awesome! We never seem to have luck with that place. It's ridiculous.
Well since we were already practically in Kalamazoo, we decided to just go to Ender's and figure out something from there. Some of us started making phone calls and we found a house to play. That wasn't until 10pm and it was around 5. We spent a good chunk of the day watching Taylor play Assassins Creed. It is one fucking epic video game.
When it got time to leave we looked out the window and realized that it had been blizzarding all day. Even better! It took us about a half hour to go what would normally take about 10 minutes. Luckily the show was a blast. It was super packed in tight and we even played two songs with our shirts off. Here's some pics that do a better job explaining the night!

Also, here are some videos!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
10/31 - 11/1
Oh my gosh has it been a hectic past few days. Nonetheless, this weekend r00led extra hard. To start off, let's meet our gang.
Scott (Me): Guitar/Vocals

Brian: Guitar

Terri: Bass/Vocals

Zach: Drums

Ron: Beast from X-Men

Breanna: Merch

Friday, Brian and I got picked up at my apartment and then we were off to Highland, Indiana for a Halloween show at Bean Counters. We get to Paw Paw and make a stop to stretch our legs and go to the bathroom only to realize that the lock on the back of our trailer had fallen off. This same thing happened a few weeks back at one of our shows. So basically we suck at keeping locks. We bought a heavy duty one this time so hopefully we can keep it forever.
When we got to the show the first thing Zach said was, "If we have to play first, I'm gonna be soooo pissed." You have to realize that he was already pissed from the awesome driving that he had to deal with on 94 West (Sarcasm). Lo and behold, I walk inside to figure things out and they tell me that we're playing first...Haha. It really didn't matter much. There were about 10 people at the show. We played well and made friends with some cool dudes from the band, The CoverUp. Oh yeah, we broke (well Breanna did) the door to the venue. Luckily they weren't mad.
Afterwards I called Pilgrims to see if we could get onto their show because I thought it was only an hour away. Turns out, it was further than I thought it was and the kid putting it on didn't want to wait for us to get there. Gosh, one of these days we'll actually play with them.
We drove through the night to Terri's friend's place back in Kalamazoo where we would be playing the next day. We get there and all of us feel super out of place. To make things worse, I tried to get everyone's attention to ask them if anyone there liked Fart Porn. The responses I got were , "No one cares." "and "Do you have weed? I'll watch Fart Porn for weed!" Oh good old college kids.
Anyways, our gang sans-Terri ended up driving around Kzoo looking for a place to stay and ending up just sleeping in the van. Oh well. Here are pics from the first day/night.
Van rides!

Broken door!

Ron and I tried to do that crazy thing where you shake your face and then get funny pics of yourself. Here I am in all my glory!


Billy Ray Cyrus/The CoverUp

Saturday, we woke up in the van and it smelled. We had to put up a new air-freshener it smelled so bad. After picking up Terri from his boy's house, we went to guitar center because I needed to get new strings. We hung out there for a while playing different guitars and shit. It's always a good time killer. Once we got sick of the eclectic noise and realized our stomachs were in need of filling, we headed over to Fazoli's. This was probably my favorite meal of the whole weekend. We got hooked up with unlimited breadsticks. Awesome.
I tried getting ahold of Ender since we were going to be staying with them that night but it took Dave a while to respond to my text, so in that time we ended up in downtown Kalamazoo. From there we ended up at some free museum. It seems like we always end up at free museums. Oh well, it's something to do. We hung out there for a while and then got ahold of Ender and headed over to their house to hang out before our show.
If you don't know the band Ender, check them out! www.myspace.com/endermi
Not only do they rule as a band, they rule as people and it was awesome hanging out with them. Dave was at work so we hung out with Schyler and Dustin. We played video games and foosball for the most part. Dustin and I played doubles against Schyler and Brian. It was the most epic game of foosball I have ever been a part of. It ruled.
We then headed to the show. We got there and found out we had to play first. I just love the fact that it seems we always have to play first and after every time we do people come up and say, "Wow, you guys shouldn't have played first." Oh well. We're playing places that we've never been to before.
The stage at this show was the smallest and most awkward stage that I have ever played on. It had different levels to put amps on and just ultimately didn't work well. But hey, that's just my opinion.
We played really well...at least that's what people were saying. It was so hard to tell in that room.
Schyler and Dustin hung out for a while at the show and then headed back to their house. We stayed at the show and then ended up getting lost going back to their house. Beast saved us again.
We hung out with Ender for the rest of the night/next day before returning home. They're becoming our new best friends and we're doing a little weekend tour with them in December. We're all excited. Now for more pics!
My view waking up in the van!


Downtown Kalamazoo!

Museum Pics!

This is a dollhouse...

More Museum Pics!

Hanging out with Ender!

We tried to creep out this Lady...

At the show

I taught Dustin how to "Secret Move"...

This lady was super into it!

To finish it off, I worked on a series called "crotch shots" for the weekend. So let's play guess who!





A. Brian
B. Dustin
C. Ron
D. Zach
E. Scott
See you next time,
Oh yeah, here's a video of some jams!
Scott (Me): Guitar/Vocals

Brian: Guitar

Terri: Bass/Vocals

Zach: Drums

Ron: Beast from X-Men

Breanna: Merch

Friday, Brian and I got picked up at my apartment and then we were off to Highland, Indiana for a Halloween show at Bean Counters. We get to Paw Paw and make a stop to stretch our legs and go to the bathroom only to realize that the lock on the back of our trailer had fallen off. This same thing happened a few weeks back at one of our shows. So basically we suck at keeping locks. We bought a heavy duty one this time so hopefully we can keep it forever.
When we got to the show the first thing Zach said was, "If we have to play first, I'm gonna be soooo pissed." You have to realize that he was already pissed from the awesome driving that he had to deal with on 94 West (Sarcasm). Lo and behold, I walk inside to figure things out and they tell me that we're playing first...Haha. It really didn't matter much. There were about 10 people at the show. We played well and made friends with some cool dudes from the band, The CoverUp. Oh yeah, we broke (well Breanna did) the door to the venue. Luckily they weren't mad.
Afterwards I called Pilgrims to see if we could get onto their show because I thought it was only an hour away. Turns out, it was further than I thought it was and the kid putting it on didn't want to wait for us to get there. Gosh, one of these days we'll actually play with them.
We drove through the night to Terri's friend's place back in Kalamazoo where we would be playing the next day. We get there and all of us feel super out of place. To make things worse, I tried to get everyone's attention to ask them if anyone there liked Fart Porn. The responses I got were , "No one cares." "and "Do you have weed? I'll watch Fart Porn for weed!" Oh good old college kids.
Anyways, our gang sans-Terri ended up driving around Kzoo looking for a place to stay and ending up just sleeping in the van. Oh well. Here are pics from the first day/night.
Van rides!

Broken door!

Ron and I tried to do that crazy thing where you shake your face and then get funny pics of yourself. Here I am in all my glory!


Billy Ray Cyrus/The CoverUp

Saturday, we woke up in the van and it smelled. We had to put up a new air-freshener it smelled so bad. After picking up Terri from his boy's house, we went to guitar center because I needed to get new strings. We hung out there for a while playing different guitars and shit. It's always a good time killer. Once we got sick of the eclectic noise and realized our stomachs were in need of filling, we headed over to Fazoli's. This was probably my favorite meal of the whole weekend. We got hooked up with unlimited breadsticks. Awesome.
I tried getting ahold of Ender since we were going to be staying with them that night but it took Dave a while to respond to my text, so in that time we ended up in downtown Kalamazoo. From there we ended up at some free museum. It seems like we always end up at free museums. Oh well, it's something to do. We hung out there for a while and then got ahold of Ender and headed over to their house to hang out before our show.
If you don't know the band Ender, check them out! www.myspace.com/endermi
Not only do they rule as a band, they rule as people and it was awesome hanging out with them. Dave was at work so we hung out with Schyler and Dustin. We played video games and foosball for the most part. Dustin and I played doubles against Schyler and Brian. It was the most epic game of foosball I have ever been a part of. It ruled.
We then headed to the show. We got there and found out we had to play first. I just love the fact that it seems we always have to play first and after every time we do people come up and say, "Wow, you guys shouldn't have played first." Oh well. We're playing places that we've never been to before.
The stage at this show was the smallest and most awkward stage that I have ever played on. It had different levels to put amps on and just ultimately didn't work well. But hey, that's just my opinion.
We played really well...at least that's what people were saying. It was so hard to tell in that room.
Schyler and Dustin hung out for a while at the show and then headed back to their house. We stayed at the show and then ended up getting lost going back to their house. Beast saved us again.
We hung out with Ender for the rest of the night/next day before returning home. They're becoming our new best friends and we're doing a little weekend tour with them in December. We're all excited. Now for more pics!
My view waking up in the van!


Downtown Kalamazoo!

Museum Pics!

This is a dollhouse...

More Museum Pics!

Hanging out with Ender!

We tried to creep out this Lady...

At the show

I taught Dustin how to "Secret Move"...

This lady was super into it!

To finish it off, I worked on a series called "crotch shots" for the weekend. So let's play guess who!





A. Brian
B. Dustin
C. Ron
D. Zach
E. Scott
See you next time,
Oh yeah, here's a video of some jams!
Bean Counter's,
Dino's Rock Room,
Tiger Tiger
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